Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Wonderful Representation of the LDS Church

I found this video this afternoon and thought it appropriate to share. Rachel Esplin is a practicing member of the LDS Church at Harvard University. She was part of a religious panel this last fall and this is the video of her responding to questions from a Washington Post moderator. I thought Rachel's responses to the moderator's questions could serve as a great base and frame of reference for anyone faced with basic, yet pivotal questions about the LDS faith.  Rachel's responses were very well founded (and correct!) and showed her desire to not only share the Church's doctrine, but also have the experience be memorable and engaging.

Here you go!


Jared and Hannah Dance said...

Wow! I really enjoyed what Rachel had to say. She used her answers to tell others about the LDS church without offending those of other religions. High five! Amazing job!

Scott Tanner said...

Nice video Hallbergs. Little bit too "churchy" for me. Hey how bout' we stop ignoring eachother and pretend we're friends for a while?

Chad and Melanie said...

Scott - Email me what you're up to these days...chadhallberg@gmail.com

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